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By Celebrity Dog Trainer - Nick White

Unleash True Freedom:

Give Your Dogs the Off-Leash Life They Deserve!

Embark on a transformative journey with Nick White, the acclaimed celebrity dog trainer. This course is an all-encompassing solution designed to achieve harmony and responsiveness between you and your canine companion, regardless of distractions.


Nick White - As Featured In:




You're at the park, and it's time to head home. You reach for your dog's leash, but instead of coming to you, they run off. You call their name, but they don't respond. Sound familiar?

This isn't just about missing dinner reservations or getting home late. It's a serious concern:

Ā What if your dog dashes towards another dog, a squirrel, or some enticing smell?

Ā Consider the risks if this happens near a busy road or with an unfriendly dog around.

Ā Poor recall isn't just inconvenient; it's a safety risk for your dog. Without reliable recall, having your dog off-leash can be dangerous.

Ā But constantly keeping them on a leash isn't the answer either. Your dog deserves the freedom to explore and play.

Embracing change in dog training, especially moving from traditional leash methods to advanced techniques like e-collar training, can be a transformative experience.


Embracing change in dog training, especially moving from traditional leash methods to advanced techniques like e-collar training, can be a transformative experience.


Stepping Beyond Comfort:

Growth and progress often lie just beyond the familiar. While traditional leash training is comfortable and known, transitioning to e-collar training opens up new avenues for communication and understanding between you and your dog. It's about embracing growth and learning together.

Embracing Delayed Gratification:

E-collar training might require more patience compared to the immediate feedback of leash training, but the long-term rewards are substantial. This method fosters a deeper connection and more effective communication, leading to a more harmonious relationship with your dog.

Redefining Social Dynamics:

Venturing into new methods like e-collar training may set you apart from your usual circle, but it's also an opportunity to lead by example. It demonstrates a commitment to progressive, responsible pet care, and opens doors to new learning and sharing opportunities within your community.

It's time to ask yourself:

Are you ready for this change? If there's any hesitation or doubt, remember that it's a natural part of the process. Acknowledge it as a step towards positive growth.

Stepping Beyond Comfort:

Growth and progress often lie just beyond the familiar. While traditional leash training is comfortable and known, transitioning to e-collar training opens up new avenues for communication and understanding between you and your dog. It's about embracing growth and learning together.

Embracing Delayed Gratification:

E-collar training might require more patience compared to the immediate feedback of leash training, but the long-term rewards are substantial. This method fosters a deeper connection and more effective communication, leading to a more harmonious relationship with your dog.

Redefining Social Dynamics:

Venturing into new methods like e-collar training may set you apart from your usual circle, but it's also an opportunity to lead by example. It demonstrates a commitment to progressive, responsible pet care, and opens doors to new learning and sharing opportunities within your community.

It's time to ask yourself:

Are you ready for this change? If there's any hesitation or doubt, remember that it's a natural part of the process. Acknowledge it as a step towards positive growth.

If traditional leash training has been a struggle, consider this as an opportunity for change. E-collar training is more than a method; it's a journey towards a deeper bond with your dog. Prepare to leave behind old habits for a more effective, harmonious approach to training. It's a path to unlocking your and your dog's full potential, reshaping your relationship into something even more meaningful.

If traditional leash training has been a struggle, consider this as an opportunity for change. E-collar training is more than a method; it's a journey towards a deeper bond with your dog. Prepare to leave behind old habits for a more effective, harmonious approach to training. It's a path to unlocking your and your dog's full potential, reshaping your relationship into something even more meaningful.




with celebrity dog trainer Nick White's comprehensive video course.

Spanning over three hours, this course is the deepest dive ever seen into the techniques that have transformed the dogs of celebrities, athletes, and elite military units. Whether you're a dog owner or a professional trainer, this course offers a never before seen glimpse into methods Nick has perfected over 15 years, tailored for all breeds, ages, and sizes.Ā 

Mastering these skills in high-distraction environments will elevate your dog's obedience to unprecedented levels. Don't miss this unique opportunity to access world-class training and transform your dog's recall ability forever. Enroll now and witness the remarkable change in your canine companion!






01.Ā Understanding the Basics and Tools

Begin with a strong foundation in the basics of recall training. Understand the principles behind recall and become acquainted with the necessary tools, especially the e-collar. Learning how to choose the right e-collar and understanding its system are crucial for effective training.

02.Ā Setting Up for Success

Preparation is key in recall training. Focus on initial steps such as setting up the e-collar, managing the leash effectively, and ensuring the e-collar is properly fitted on your dog. A proper setup lays the groundwork for a smooth training process.

03.Ā Beginning the Training Process

This is where actual training with your dog begins. Introduce your dog to the basic concepts and commands of recall training. This phase is about building trust and understanding, helping your dog become comfortable with the training process.

04.Ā Incorporating Stimulation Training

Introduce and integrate e-collar stimulation into the training. Teach your dog to respond to e-collar cues as part of the recall process, ensuring they understand and react appropriately to the stimulation.

05.Ā Advanced Recall Skills

Focus on mastering advanced recall techniques. This includes training for off-leash recall, addressing the challenges of training nervous or non-treat motivated dogs, and techniques for managing dogs with high prey drive. Refine and perfect the recall, ensuring reliability in various scenarios.

06.Ā Review and Reinforcement

The final concept revolves around reinforcing and solidifying the recall skills learned. Summarize key points from the course, review techniques, and provide tips for maintaining and enhancing recall skills over time.



Why Choose the E-Collar?

The e-collar stands out as a premier tool in dog training, outshining other methods in safety and reliability. Its advanced technology allows for consistent, clear communication with your dog, even at significant distances, ensuring effective learning and response.

Why Choose the E-Collar?

The e-collar stands out as a premier tool in dog training, outshining other methods in safety and reliability. Its advanced technology allows for consistent, clear communication with your dog, even at significant distances, ensuring effective learning and response.

Limitations of Traditional Methods

While treats and prong collars have their merits, they come with limitations. Treats may fail to capture your dog's attention in the presence of stronger distractions. Prong collars, though useful, lose their effectiveness beyond a certain distance and can inadvertently introduce negative emotions into the training process.

Limitations of Traditional Methods

While treats and prong collars have their merits, they come with limitations. Treats may fail to capture your dog's attention in the presence of stronger distractions. Prong collars, though useful, lose their effectiveness beyond a certain distance and can inadvertently introduce negative emotions into the training process.

Competing Motivators and E-Collar Efficiency

Dogs often encounter competing motivators such as squirrels or other animals that can overshadow the lure of treats. The e-collar overcomes this challenge by maintaining your dog's focus and providing consistent cues, irrespective of distractions.

Competing Motivators and E-Collar Efficiency

Dogs often encounter competing motivators such as squirrels or other animals that can overshadow the lure of treats. The e-collar overcomes this challenge by maintaining your dog's focus and providing consistent cues, irrespective of distractions.

Distance Training and Emotional Neutrality

One of the e-collar's greatest strengths is its ability to facilitate training over long distances, something not feasible with a prong collar. This tool also helps maintain an emotional neutrality in training, ensuring corrections are consistent and free from frustration or anger.

Distance Training and Emotional Neutrality

One of the e-collar's greatest strengths is its ability to facilitate training over long distances, something not feasible with a prong collar. This tool also helps maintain an emotional neutrality in training, ensuring corrections are consistent and free from frustration or anger.

A Holistic Training Tool

When evaluating various training tools, the e-collar emerges as the most comprehensive option. It combines the benefits of distance, consistency, and emotional neutrality, making it a superior choice for a wide range of training needs.

A Holistic Training Tool

When evaluating various training tools, the e-collar emerges as the most comprehensive option. It combines the benefits of distance, consistency, and emotional neutrality, making it a superior choice for a wide range of training needs.

E-collar training offers several advantages compared to traditional reward-based training, making it a compelling choice for many dog owners and trainers.

E-collar training offers several advantages compared to traditional reward-based training, making it a compelling choice for many dog owners and trainers.


01. Effective Communication Over Distance:

One of the most significant advantages of e-collar training is the ability to communicate with your dog over long distances. Unlike reward-based training, which typically requires close proximity, e-collars allow for consistent cues and commands even when your dog is not right next to you. This feature is particularly beneficial for off-leash training and in situations where direct control is needed from afar.

02. Immediate and Consistent Feedback:

E-collars provide instant feedback to the dog, which is crucial for effective learning. The immediacy of the signal helps the dog associate a specific behavior with the correction or cue more quickly than traditional methods, where rewards might be delayed.

03. Customizable Intensity Levels:

Modern e-collars come with a wide range of stimulation levels, which can be adjusted to suit the sensitivity and temperament of individual dogs. This customizability ensures that the training is humane and tailored to the specific needs of each dog, something that one-size-fits-all reward-based methods may not always offer.

04. Training in High-Distraction Environments:

Dogs can be easily distracted, especially in environments with many stimuli. E-collar training can be more effective in high-distraction settings, where a dog might ignore treats or other rewards. The distinct sensation of the e-collar can cut through these distractions, maintaining the dogā€™s focus on the trainerā€™s commands.

04. Training in High-Distraction Environments:

Dogs can be easily distracted, especially in environments with many stimuli. E-collar training can be more effective in high-distraction settings, where a dog might ignore treats or other rewards. The distinct sensation of the e-collar can cut through these distractions, maintaining the dogā€™s focus on the trainerā€™s commands.

05. Reduced Reliance on Treats

While treats are a powerful motivator, over-reliance can lead to issues such as obesity or a dog only responding when food is present. E-collar training reduces this dependence on treats, promoting obedience based on command recognition rather than food rewards.

05. Reduced Reliance on Treats

While treats are a powerful motivator, over-reliance can lead to issues such as obesity or a dog only responding when food is present. E-collar training reduces this dependence on treats, promoting obedience based on command recognition rather than food rewards.

06. Enhanced Safety:

For dogs with strong prey drives or those prone to running off, an e-collar can be a crucial tool for preventing potentially dangerous situations. It allows for swift intervention before a dog gets into trouble, increasing safety during outdoor activities.

06. Enhanced Safety:

For dogs with strong prey drives or those prone to running off, an e-collar can be a crucial tool for preventing potentially dangerous situations. It allows for swift intervention before a dog gets into trouble, increasing safety during outdoor activities.

07. Versatility in Training:

E-collar training can be integrated into a variety of training regimes, from basic obedience to complex skills and behaviors. It provides a versatile tool that can support and enhance other training methods.

07. Versatility in Training:

E-collar training can be integrated into a variety of training regimes, from basic obedience to complex skills and behaviors. It provides a versatile tool that can support and enhance other training methods.

It's important to note that while e-collar training has its advantages, it should be used responsibly and as part of a broader, humane training approach. Proper training on how to use an e-collar is crucial to ensure it's a positive and effective tool for both the dog and the trainer.

It's important to note that while e-collar training has its advantages, it should be used responsibly and as part of a broader, humane training approach. Proper training on how to use an e-collar is crucial to ensure it's a positive and effective tool for both the dog and the trainer.


Revamp your dog's training with our advanced program and transform daily life into a harmonious adventure:

Ā Guaranteed Recall Mastery: Train your dog to consistently respond to your call, building an unshakeable bond of trust.

Ā Eliminate Problem Behaviors: Say farewell to jumping, barking, and more. Our techniques address these issues effectively, making your dog a delightful companion.

Ā Peaceful Home Environment: Enjoy a calm and serene household with our training methods that promote a stress-free atmosphere.

Ā Experience Off-Leash Freedom:Ā Feel the confidence of having your dog safely explore off-leash, enjoying freedom under your watchful guidance.

Ā Ease in Public Places:Ā Take your dog to various settings like malls and restaurants, knowing they'll behave impeccably.

Ā Stress-Free Hosting:Ā Host guests without concerns about your dog's behavior. Our training ensures they'll be gracious and well-mannered.

Ā Harmony During Family Meals:Ā Share meal times with your dog without the need for crating, thanks to their good manners.

This isn't just a training program; it's a path to a joyful, respectful, and well-balanced life with your dog, where every day is a rewarding experience.


ā€¢Ā 12 Comprehensive Sections:
Each section focuses on a key aspect of off-leash recall, ensuring a thorough understanding and practice.

ā€¢Ā 50 In-Depth Videos: Delve into each training element with detailed explanations and demonstrations.

ā€¢Ā Real-World Scenarios: Prepare your dog for various environments, ensuring reliable recall wherever you are.




Our expert-led dog recall training course is designed to transform your dog's behavior and deepen your bond. This streamlined course focuses on key elements:

E-Collar Fitting:

Learn precise e-collar fitting for optimal training results and comfort.

E-Collar Fitting:

Learn precise e-collar fitting for optimal training results and comfort.

Customized Training Pace:

Our adaptable methods suit each dog's learning style and pace.

Customized Training Pace:

Our adaptable methods suit each dog's learning style and pace.

Training Milestones:

Celebrate progress and keep your dog motivated throughout the training process.

Training Milestones:

Celebrate progress and keep your dog motivated throughout the training process.

Emotional Intelligence:

Master calm and controlled training techniques for a stress-free experience.

Emotional Intelligence:

Master calm and controlled training techniques for a stress-free experience.

Gradual Progression:

Follow our guided, step-by-step approach for consistent improvement

Gradual Progression:

Follow our guided, step-by-step approach for consistent improvement

Daily Practice:

Regular practice is recommended for mastering off-leash recall, with guidance on transitioning to maintenance.

Daily Practice:

Regular practice is recommended for mastering off-leash recall, with guidance on transitioning to maintenance.

Enjoyable Training Experience:

Our course emphasizes fun and positive reinforcement, enhancing your connection with your dog.

Enjoyable Training Experience:

Our course emphasizes fun and positive reinforcement, enhancing your connection with your dog.

Join us to see a significant improvement in your dog's recall behavior, making training an enjoyable journey for both of you.


Join us to see a significant improvement in your dog's recall behavior, making training an enjoyable journey for both of you.



Section 1: Introduction

This section lays the groundwork for the entire course. It introduces the fundamental concepts of recall training, outlining what you can expect to learn and the goals you'll aim to achieve with your dog.

Section 2: Choosing an E-collar

Focuses on selecting the right e-collar for your dog. This crucial step involves understanding the different types of e-collars available and determining which one suits your dog's size, temperament, and training needs.

Section 3: E-collar System Overview

Provides a comprehensive overview of the e-collar system. It covers how the e-collar works, its various features, and the principles behind using it effectively and humanely in training.

Section 4: Getting Started

Here, you begin the practical aspect of the course. This section guides you through the initial steps of using the e-collar, including setup and preliminary exercises to get you and your dog accustomed to the system.

Section 5: Leash Management

Teaches effective leash management techniques. This is essential for maintaining control during training sessions, especially in the initial phases when your dog is still getting used to the e-collar.

Section 6: Properly Fitting the E-collar

Focuses on how to correctly fit the e-collar on your dog. Proper fitting is vital for ensuring the e-collar is effective and comfortable for your dog, and this section provides detailed instructions on how to achieve this.

Section 7: Getting Started with Your Dog

In this part of the course, you'll start the actual recall training with your dog. It covers the basics of introducing your dog to the concepts and commands that will be used throughout the training.

Section 8: Getting Started with Stimulation

Discusses how to begin using the stimulation feature of the e-collar. It includes tips on finding the right level of stimulation for your dog and how to use it effectively to reinforce commands.

Section 9: Mastering the Off Leash Recall

Dedicated to perfecting off-leash recall. This section includes advanced training techniques to ensure your dog responds reliably to recall commands, even in distracting environments.

Section 10: Nervous and Non-Treat Motivated ā€œStifflerā€

Addresses the challenges of training dogs that are either nervous or not motivated by treats. It provides specialized strategies for engaging these types of dogs in recall training.

Section 11:Ā My Secret to Ensuring a High Prey Call Off

Reveals specialized techniques for managing dogs with high prey drive. This section covers how to effectively recall your dog even when they are highly distracted, such as when chasing prey.

Section 12:Ā Closing Remarks

Concludes the course with final thoughts, summarizing key points and providing additional tips for maintaining and enhancing recall skills over time.


Mastering the Recall - Online Only




x 3 monthly payments

Ā Inclusions:

ā€¢Ā Over 3 hours of comprehensive video lessons

ā€¢ 7Ā PDF Companions


Mastering the Recall + Officially Licensed OLK9 E-collar!




x 3 monthly payments

Ā Inclusions:

ā€¢Ā Over 3 hours of comprehensive video lessons

ā€¢ 7Ā PDF Companions

ā€¢Ā Officially Licensed OLK9 E-collar


14-Day Satisfaction Guarantee with Fair Use Policy

Our training program includes a 14-Day Satisfaction Guarantee, designed to give you peace of mind with your investment. If within the first 14 days you're not completely satisfied, you are eligible for a full refund. However, this guarantee does not apply if a significant portion of the course content has been completed or extensively consumed within this period. We encourage thoughtful participation in the course and ask that you genuinely assess its value for you and your dog before making a decision. If you have any concerns or are not fully happy with the program, please contact our support team within the 14-day window, ensuring fair use of the course content, for a smooth refund process. Your satisfaction and your dog's training progress are our highest priorities.



ā€œThank you for the detailed instructions. Itā€™s very helpful. I really love your training approach. I also follow your puppy training course, which is great! And now Iā€™m starting with your Tone and Treat method for their basic obedience.ā€
ā€“ Andrea H.

ā€œThank you for the detailed instructions. Itā€™s very helpful. I really love your training approach. I also follow your puppy training course, which is great! And now Iā€™m starting with your Tone and Treat method for their basic obedience.ā€
ā€“ Andrea H.

ā€œThank you for this course! Itā€™s great material! I really like your approach. I will continue training the puppies according to your suggestions.ā€ ā€“ Andrea H.

ā€œThank you for this course! Itā€™s great material! I really like your approach. I will continue training the puppies according to your suggestions.ā€ ā€“ Andrea H.



ā€œNick White changed my lifeā€
- Logan Paul

ā€œNick White changed my lifeā€
- Logan Paul

ā€œNick White changed my lifeā€- Logan Paul


Logan Paul Is Shocked - He Cannot Believe It!

6.8K views 4 years ago

Ā OffLeashK9Training

Logan Paul is shocked to see how amazing his dog is at the turnover of his dog with celebrity dog trainer, Nick White. Find...


Jon "Bones" Jones - Dog Trainer Nick White | OffLeashK9Training

9.3K views 4 years ago

Ā OffLeashK9Training

Jon "Bones" Jones just had his dog trained from celebrity dog trainer Nick White of Off Leash K9 Training. See what Nick w...


Logan Paul Is Shocked - He Cannot Believe It!

6.8K views 4 years ago

Ā OffLeashK9Training

Logan Paul is shocked to see how amazing his dog is at the turnover of his dog with celebrity dog trainer, Nick White. Find...

Jon "Bones" Jones - Dog Trainer Nick White | OffLeashK9Training

9.3K views 4 years ago

Ā OffLeashK9Training

Jon "Bones" Jones just had his dog trained from celebrity dog trainer Nick White of Off Leash K9 Training. See what Nick w...

Ryan Reynold's Dogs | Celebrity Dog Training šŸ˜±šŸ¶

100K views 6 years ago

Ā OffLeashK9Training

Ryan Reynold's dogs that celebrity dog trainer Nick White trained! Ryan Reynolds was great, his dogs were awesome to...


This e-collar training program is perfect for:



This e-collar training program is perfect for:






Ā Trained dogs for Top Celebrities & Athletes such as Ryan Reynolds, Jon ā€œBonesā€ Jones, Cris Cyborg, Miesha Tate, Greg Jackson, Rashad Evans, Dan Henderson, Logan Paul, VP Cheney, John Cena, and many more! You can see my amazing results and their testimonials here.

Ā Nick was the Host of A&Eā€™s hit show ā€œAmericaā€™s Top Dogā€

Ā Founder and Owner of Off Leash K9 Trainingā€

Ā Expanded Off Leash K9 to 145 Locations with 500+ Trainers in the World

Ā Often requested to conduct K9 training seminars for some of the most elite Military Special Forces Units

Ā Author of The Book ā€œRaising the Perfect Dog: Secrets of Law Enforcement K9 Trainersā€

Ā Helping found Warrior Buddies Program, Which Pairs Returning War Vets with a trained dog free of charge

Ā Named Top 10 Trainers in the World by bestdogtrainers.org

Officially Licensed OLK9 E-collar!


šŸ• Puts More Attention on the DogĀ 
āœ… Has Ease of Use
šŸš« Eliminates Over StimulationĀ 
šŸ’” Has Revolutionary Programming
šŸ“¶ Flawlessly Changes Levels
ā—Much More!

Officially Licensed OLK9 Ecollar!


šŸ• Puts More Attention on the DogĀ 
āœ… Has Ease of Use
šŸš« Eliminates Over StimulationĀ 
šŸ’” Has Revolutionary Programming
šŸ“¶ Flawlessly Changes Levels
ā—Much More!

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